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Homeward Bound of Marin
Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Outplacement
1385 N, Hamilton Pkwy
Novato,CA 94949
Novato,CA 94949
Contact Name:
Contact Title: Administration Office
Counties Served: Marin
Business Description
Homeward Bound is Marin County’s chief provider of shelter, housing and support services for homeless families and individuals. We serve approximately 1,200 people per year in 16 inter-related residential programs. Homeward Bound of Marin provides solutions to homelessness and advocacy in Marin County. Our services designed to end homelessness for every person served, whatever their circumstances. Our overarching goal is to end homelessness in Marin County. Our mission of “opening doors to safety, dignity, hope and independence” is coupled with a vision that “everyone deserves a place to call home.”
Available Resources: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Outplacement